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Need help with framing your university applications?

Clueless about how you should approach your personal statements?

Underprepared for admission interviews?

We have the resources and experience to help you put your best foot forward. Leveraging on team-based support, every mentee requiring support will be matched with a team of advisors will varying skills and different insights.



Q&A Portal

Programme Structure

Team-Based Mentoring Programme (TBMP)

With the goal of liberalizing access to information in the increasingly competitive higher education landscape, prospective mentees can engage with Aspect in two distinct ways. Got a question regarding university applications? Ask away in our Q & A portal and receive a response from one of our advisors. Ready to embark on your university applications? Join our team-based mentorship programme.



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Disclaimer: As an access-oriented programme, Aspect will, where resources are constrained, prioritize the needs of populations which the organization has identified as under-represented and under-served. Hence, the TBMP will require prospective mentees to submit an application. As a non-profit, we are committed to ensuring that the programme remains free and accessible to all.

How To Join?

as a mentee

If you are not from an institution which forYouths has an existing partnership with, you are still welcome to join us. Both avenues of support from us is completely free and open to all. However, due to the resource intensity of the TBMP, an application to the programme is required to ensure that you are of the right fit for the programme. If you are interested in the TBMP, do review the application procedures below before submitting an application.

Application Procedures:

click on the texts below to find out more

Deciding university application list

Decide on your university application list


It is important to do your due diligence in exploring your university options, factoring in considerations such as eligibility, financial viability etc. We encourage prospective mentees to ask their questions through the Q & A portal first before joining the intensive team-based support to firm up their university application list. Do note that whilst the team-based support is not meant to be exploratory in nature, mentees will still have the ability to change their university list mid-programme.

Submitting application


Submit an application to join our programme

The application will extract information regarding the prospective mentee’s demographics and education / extracurricular background. We would like to emphasise that academic / extracurricular merit plays no part in our consideration to accept a mentee into the programme and the data is merely used to better profile the mentee. Above all else, clarity in one’s university application choices and an intent to maximise the programme resources is looked most favourably upon. When resources are constrained, demographic data will be used to determine which applicants we will prioritise.

Determining your fit for programme


Not all applicants will be a clear-cut case for the team. Prior to making a decision, the team will often reach out to the prospective mentees to engage them in a quick discussion to better understand where he/she stands in the university application process. This discussion is not an interview, but merely a chat to see if he/she is at the right place and stage in their educational journey to embark on their university applications. After the discussion, applicants will either be accepted into the programme, put on a waitlist or be advised to reapply after further exploration / redirected to other resources.

(If required) Discussion with the team to determine your fit for the programme

Interested in the TBMP?

How To Join?

as an advisor/consultant

Advisors form up the backbone of Aspect, serving as invaluable resource banks for us to tap on to assist our mentees. Unless called upon to assist in a TBMP case, being an advisor is a low commitment way of sharing your experience and advice to those who are in need. Those who are keen to take up a content curation and/or programme administrator role are also welcome to join the programme as consultants.


click on the texts below to find out more

Admittance to local / overseas university


Be admitted to a local or overseas university

As long as you have been admitted to a programme, both local or abroad, you can apply to join Aspect. We do not consider the selectivity of the programme, and in-fact, encourage mentors from non-traditional backgrounds or successfully applied to non-traditional institutions to join our team. Our goal is to build a diverse team of advisors to meet the similarly diverse needs of our mentees today.

Willingness to engage mentees & work as a team


Be willing to engage with mentees and to work in a team

Advisors will often be required to work in teams, and as such, should have the capacity to work well in group-settings. We look for advisors who are not just active drivers of group discussions, but also those that are respectful of contrasting perspectives.

Good character and standing


Be of good character and standing

As a mentorship programme, Aspect requires all advisors to be of good character and standing. Do take note that all advisors are bound strictly to an advisor code of conduct and are to promote the objects of the initiative in alignment with the expectations of an advisor engaged with forYouths.

Interested in joining us?

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